Tuesday 28 April 2015


Bless us Oh God, I won't be wrong when I say Allah u hakbar,
Difference dances within the limits of linguists, that originated from far,
But the latter, agglutinated with others bore religion a spiritual mother,
I allude this to Einstein, the nucleic bomb he was the father,
God forbid 'coz it turned a demon, it's rampage has become bitter and bigger,
Humanity died.

I heard of the 'head' business, I dreaded the attack and shuddered,
Like a feeble twig, I trembled in fear and agony at the sight of murder,
For who fears not death? Who?
The times came and went, left me with a feeling of impervious security,
Damn, it just unlocked a brand gory opportunity,
Humanity died.

Albeit. I've seen no peace, neither have I had the sunshine smiles,
Life spent in caves, craving for peace as many got maimed and dumped miles,
Citadels turned into hell dens, with inscriptions clear ' NO PLACE TO HIDE'
Nothing I could give in, I was only a shrub in the Sahara,
I prayed not, for it was for these gods that many had evaded humanity,
Humanity died,

Comprehension has failed me, wonders engulfed this living soul,
Danger lurking in the air, with the foul smell of death wafting all over,
The gun is up, saints and disciples...the soldiers,
It turned into a war, war to heaven,
But I wonder if the quest is really genuine,
Humanity died,

I will pen off, with a sack of endless soliloquies,
I will rest not, death my wish...i will come before it comes,
My soul will suffer and face humbly, the metallic stick,
My destination i know not, heaven not again a guarantee,
Seemingly, it is for the warriors, those with guns,
A poor peasant like me, has no oxygen left, not a pinch,
Humanity died.


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