Monday 20 March 2023

 It's been a minute. Coming back with a whole load of new pieces.

Friday 30 June 2017

Don't Quit

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
And every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he/she might have won had he/she stuck it out,
Don't give up though the pace seems low,
You may succeed with another blow.

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you are trudging in seems an uphill,
When you need help and no one is there to give,
And when you want to smile but trouble arrives,
When you big up but stress is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't quit.

At times you feel you are down to nothing,
But remember thats when the Almighty is up to something,
Pray and cease not the righteous way,
For the road to success, the only out highway,
Beckons at you more than you think,
Try harder and don't at all wink,
Persistence is the only ladder of the hustler.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near, it may be far,
So stick to the fight, when you are hardest hit,

It's when things seem worst that you must nit quit.


Saturday 30 April 2016

Father of Creation

I come into your presence

To sing a song to you

A song of praise and honor

For all the things you've helped us through

You gave a life worth living

A life in love with you

And now i just love giving

All my praises back to you




Youre the father of creation

The risen Lamb of God

Youre the one who walked away

From the empty tomb that day

And you set your people free

With love and liberty

And i can walk with you

Every night and every day
#I loved this one

Thursday 10 December 2015

Our Story... My Story

Our Story
I'll live to tell a story
I'll give each detail thoroughly
From how we met discreetly
To how I proclaimed it openly
I'll tell and write, for my heart found solace on her words solely.

I'll live to tell of happiness
Unknown unheard by my past generations
A love story that even Shakespeare could not predict
A reunion I thought was extinct.

I never knew of her
But our hearts were intertwined forever I'd seen her in my dreams
But then I did not have the prowess
To decipher our relationship process
Until that day, that'd been professed.

The kind of joy she brought
Had Ceased to exist in me or so I thought
My world did change
As she lovingly took my heart
Giving me  a fountain of love
Declaring herself mine
All I'd lay in wait and want was her.

Even when we were distanced
Her letters, my heart rekindled
I felt each word in them
Her heart spoke directly with mine
Her photos I kissed before I slept
She's the only one
I see in my dreams.

But things changed,
Drastically than they had appeared,
Power weand twice than it had gained,
Nothing grew but what had grown seemed to tumble,
The green little twigs were blown
By the wind.

Death and life
Laughter and tears.... That makes love called love

##coutersy legendary poets

Tuesday 26 May 2015


Right inside the stall, like a jubilant athlete i stood tall,
Calculating my gains and loses, contrasting with the outsource d extreme pain,
I keept hope, for they said it's the only dream,
Thank God no one knows this, not even my closest girl i beam,
Bursting feeling hit my heart in awe, all i do is frown and gleam,
Faking it with a smile, she once said is the only way to be happy
I fathom. The bleak past darker than darkness,
The dry months worse than the Sahara,
The numbers automatically sum to where I stand,
Tall in the stall.
Pretending to be so engrossed in my phone leaning on the wall,
Evidence comes out that i ain't alone,
I'm not alone like a rice grain, I think it's the work of my brain
Breath simultaneously shouts "you have life live man"
Believing this is next to impossible as a matter of fact,
For all I've known is the shanty, the slum has been my home,
I can't concur that I wanted this, neither will i call it fate,
For was it not said what you sayeth so it becometh?
I freeze and watch the growing traffic that suddenly drowns,
The a hundred and one heads each with thousands of thoughts
I battle the latter heads of antagonists, it's a battle without an end,
Murmuring short inaudible words to He who gives life,
Recapturing the scriptures from my brother, in Christ named pasihi,
God knows why, but people say he was the pastor, the man of God,
Yeah he drank and spat from the black book, how?
Black but restored peace, ad rekindled broken hearts,
Ask and will be given, so it said,
I swear it blocked all flaws of doubt,
For it too said God's time is the best,
Further emphasizing that He had good plans for us, plans for prosperity and not evil,
With complements of love, of "the walking dream"
Heyy up...... Back to reality!!!!
Still under the stall, standing still with weaning hope.
What next?
God (whispering)


Nimebelieve life is not a joke hata kidogo,
Baada ya kustuggle na kuhustle kila place, kuni kupasua kutoka kwa gogo,
Honestly nimeuma books with a hope to soar in great heights,
But nimeamini, I've believed life ni doo na kujuana has might,
Nimeinua gym ya mjengo daily from morning hadi machweo,
Gunia za simiti na mahindi i weight lifted bila mchezo,
Nikihope for the best forgetting to prepare for the worst,
Home kukawa hakukaliki al shabaab (kunguni) mtaani usingizi became a waste,
Mapipa nikaandama na kubugia kwa pupa, they said it's life,
Sikuona wala kuonja peace ene,
But they said patience pays,
Forgetting that patience is skinny too,
Nikalilia Sir God on a daily basis bila kuchoka, i never gave up,
Madem, sikutaka tena coz my condition was worse than that ofa pig,
Not that i wanted them, zii i chose the other way in the word to grow big,
My mom, a lady with power, yani manguvu hakuniacha at all,
In all spheres of life and atmospheres she encouraged me,
Maybe alijua mimi ni star, bigger than James Bond and the likes,
Nikajikokota, tarmac ikaacha kua njia but kutarmac for a job,
I wonder hadi leo if people are Animals, madharau ndo mob,
At first nilimind the abuses na fyefye most walizitoa without shame,
Machozi yalinitiririka but i had no one to blame,
I thought it was fate, ama kalaana ivi, kitu i really dreaded,
But I never gave up,
Ukweli ni ka huna doo count yourself a dead man,
Utapigwa kuni hadi usahau wewe ni baba yao yani a man,
Days zikaacha kua 24 hours shot to three weeks bila huruma,
Njaa nayo!
Magwanda zikawa very expensive it was like the royal dress of herod,
Man but nikajiamini,
As Obama said Yes we can,
I saw some point apo, wat if nikitoa that we i replace with an I?
Yes I can, ikawa the slogan the new idea,
:-) it's after that long stuggle that I'm penning this down.

Sunday 3 May 2015

iN mEmOrY oF mY bElOvEd CoMrAdEs WhO sUcCumBeD tO ThE tErRoR aTtAcK ((147))

Forgetting you, is next to impossible beloved comrades,
Like Venus, the morning star u shone just like the rest with accolades,
Sailing the same boat of campus executions,
Traversing through the rugged terrains of hustling in the filthy bustles,
We shared common interests, to change the world,
Knowledge was all we wanted, no grudge with anyone to hold,
Light moments together we shared when time allowed, all punctuated with selfies,
We laughed in the same rhythm,
Portrayed and researched in the same padigymes,
We had beatings from the men in blue together,
Talked in one voice as a young nation, we were bound to thrive forever,
Amazing moments i concur, poor comrades it wasn't meant to last,
We now share moments, o tears and mourns
Why? Was it meant to happen? 'N why you.... Why
They say, He the almighty has reasons for each deed,
Did you then have to suffer terrible and awfully indeed?
Pass on illegally, like the damn animals, the dogs?
In the bloody fists of terrorists, with terror written on them,
Pathetic, albeit, my heart and soul somber,
It wasn't my wish to pen this, but it hurt me, deeply,
Can't stomach it,
The memories still fresh,
Though moments of splendor can't be brought back,
To the grass,
Or blossoming to the flower...
We will grieve not, follow comrades, brothers of one nation,
But we find strength in what remains behind,
We shall fight, very hard,
To avenge your demise,
R. I. P