Sunday 3 May 2015

iN mEmOrY oF mY bElOvEd CoMrAdEs WhO sUcCumBeD tO ThE tErRoR aTtAcK ((147))

Forgetting you, is next to impossible beloved comrades,
Like Venus, the morning star u shone just like the rest with accolades,
Sailing the same boat of campus executions,
Traversing through the rugged terrains of hustling in the filthy bustles,
We shared common interests, to change the world,
Knowledge was all we wanted, no grudge with anyone to hold,
Light moments together we shared when time allowed, all punctuated with selfies,
We laughed in the same rhythm,
Portrayed and researched in the same padigymes,
We had beatings from the men in blue together,
Talked in one voice as a young nation, we were bound to thrive forever,
Amazing moments i concur, poor comrades it wasn't meant to last,
We now share moments, o tears and mourns
Why? Was it meant to happen? 'N why you.... Why
They say, He the almighty has reasons for each deed,
Did you then have to suffer terrible and awfully indeed?
Pass on illegally, like the damn animals, the dogs?
In the bloody fists of terrorists, with terror written on them,
Pathetic, albeit, my heart and soul somber,
It wasn't my wish to pen this, but it hurt me, deeply,
Can't stomach it,
The memories still fresh,
Though moments of splendor can't be brought back,
To the grass,
Or blossoming to the flower...
We will grieve not, follow comrades, brothers of one nation,
But we find strength in what remains behind,
We shall fight, very hard,
To avenge your demise,
R. I. P

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